If you have ever read timeshare reviews left for a resale company, you will see a vast difference between those left for companies who pay the review platform and those
If you have ever read timeshare reviews left for a resale company, you will see a vast difference between those left for companies who pay the review platform and those
Many who own timeshare know the joy, fun and value that holiday ownership brings. It is a fact that families who own timeshare, holiday 40% more than those who don’t.
Coronavirus (COVID-19). What did it do to the business of Travel & Leisure Group, the number 1 estate agent for timeshare in Europe? What happened to our timeshare resale business
CLC liquidation is fake news, but unfortunately still circulating, so we thought it’s best we provide the facts from trustworthy sources to put the matter to bed. This story was
The simplest way to pass on, sell, or buy a timeshare is through a private transfer of ownership. The demand for these transfers is on the increase! Have you enjoyed
Thurnham Hall by Diamond Resorts is a thirty-acre estate with sixty luxurious apartments. Based around a twelfth century Jacobean manor house, the stunning apartments are decorated to reflect this history.
Come 2021, hopefully we’ll have more freedom to mingle and when that happens, how about considering a GOLF resort for next year’s staycation!! A quintessentially British pastime which originated in
We still don’t know what Brexit will mean for those who own timeshare at UK resorts, but we do know the recent pandemic has made them extremely popular. Step off
Staycation, Staycation, Staycation! – Start Holidaying at Home Still haven’t taken your holiday after lockdown? Looking for sun, sea, sand? All sounds great, but with the current situation and lengthy
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