Below you will find your search results. Please note, what you see below is only a small selection of the total properties we have available on our database. Prices shown are provided by the owner and in most cases are open to offers. For further information or to make an offer on any of the weeks, call our sales team now on
Biennial ownership, allocating points every Even years, therefore 2024, will give new allocation on top of unused points form last year.
Price recently reduced so grab yourself a bargain and enjoy some lovely holidays with it!
You can find full information about Club La Costa resort at
At the resort there is everything you need for a pleasant and comfortable holiday. Entering the apartments you don’t feel changes with your usual life s… Read more ›
FREE 2728 POINTS to buyer!
Due to ill health we are regrettably having to sell our CLC World Fractional Points. We have enjoyed all our holidays with CLC. The accommodation and resorts are first class. With our points you can have Mini Br… Read more ›
Not only is our week a school holiday prime time week, but it is also a lock off apartment. This means that the apartment that can be divided into two separate sections and offers several options in how those sections can be used: