Below you will find your search results. Please note, what you see below is only a small selection of the total properties we have available on our database. Prices shown are provided by the owner and in most cases are open to offers. For further information or to make an offer on any of the weeks, call our sales team now on
I have just returned from another fantastic week again at Ramada resort. I cant thank the staff enough on how helpful they always are.
The staff are always on hand to help you, and assist, morning, noon, & night. The room has all the amiti… Read more ›
You can get a free upgrade to a 2 bedroom property with the points when booking a resort anywhere in the world with Wyndham resorts. We also have access to interval exchange this year.
SALOU is located in Catalonia on the Costa Daurada 100 km south of Barcelona, very pleasant climate all year round. Comfortable apartment with air conditioning in the main room in Cannes Carrer Louis Braille building (behind main avenue). Very qui… Read more ›
The timeshare points can be used at any of the CLC/Wyndham resorts, which are very widespread. They can also be used to access a multitude of resorts worldwide using Interval International, RCI or any similar company. Used carefully, the total poi… Read more ›