Contact the Travel and Leisure Group
Contact Us
Telephone Numbers
Selling UK Freephone – 0800 071 1372
Buying UK Freephone – 0800 071 4674
General UK – 01787 881111
Members Helpline UK – 01787 883333
(Tuesday – Thursday: 09.30 – 14:00 GMT)
For country specific numbers, see table below
Postal address
Travel & Leisure Group
100 East Street
Suffolk CO10 2TP
Scandinavian | Spanish | Italian | French/German | Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Baltic |
Jaime Monteagudo Del Aquila | Luigi Coppola | Natalia Petrushevskaya | ||
Telephone +44(0)1787 888119 | Telephone +44(0)1787 881111 +44(0)1787 888116 | Telephone +390306588188 | Telephone +44 (0)208 460 6544 | Telephone +7 (812) 327 32 22 |
email | email | email | email | email |
Visiting Us
You are welcome to contact us, come and visit us any time during normal office hours (Monday – Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday 9am-5pm). We are easily located on the A131 on route to Sudbury town centre. There is a sign pointing into the car park on the right lane of the one way system. The front entrance can be found next door to the right of ‘QD Stores’ which we are situated above. If you have any problems locating us, please call 01787 881111 and we will help you.